How to Recognise God’s Moments of Favour

My future is in your hands. Rescue me from those who hunt me down relentlessly.
— Psalm 31:15 (NLT)

This short but profound statement is a powerful declaration of God’s omnipotence and care over our lives. It reassures us that from the minute to the monumental, every moment of our existence is guided by the divine. As we delve into this verse, we will uncover layers of meaning and application that can transform our everyday experiences.

Life’s unpredictability can often leave us feeling anxious and out of control. However, the assurance that our "times are in [God’s] hands" invites us to trust in His perfect timing. Unlike human plans, God’s timing is impeccable—never early, never late, but precisely when it needs to occur. This realisation can bring immense peace to our hearts, knowing that we do not need to have all the answers, as long as we are in His care.

Each day, God provides us with moments of favour that offer us opportunities to experience His grace in profound ways. These moments can be as simple as a comforting conversation with a friend or as extraordinary as a miraculous provision during times of need. To identify these instances, we need to have an attentive and grateful heart that is tuned to see God's hand in all circumstances.

Consider the ways God provides for our daily needs. Whether it’s finding strength during a tough day at work, receiving unexpected help, or simply enjoying the beauty of a sunset, these are all fingerprints of divine favour. Reflect on recent "coincidences" or "lucky moments" and see them as what they truly are: acts of divine love.

Sometimes, God places people in our paths for a reason. These divine appointments are not chance encounters but orchestrated by God to enrich our lives and grow our faith. Embracing these interactions can lead to new friendships, opportunities, and deeper community ties.

In life’s storms, God’s favour may manifest as inexplicable peace. This peace, a direct assurance from God that He is in control, can guard our hearts and minds even in the worst situations. Reflecting on past trials, can you identify moments when an unexplainable calm enveloped you? That is God’s favour at work. 

To actively apply Psalm 31:15 in our lives, we need to cultivate trust and patience. Trust in God’s overarching good intentions and patience to wait for His timing. This application can lead to a more relaxed and fulfilling life, aligned with God’s deep desires for our welfare.

Take a moment to consider the current challenges or transitions you are facing. How can the truth that your times are in God’s hands change your approach to these situations? Are there areas in your life where you need to relinquish control and trust more deeply in His divine timing?

As we reflect, let’s consider these points in our prayer:

  • Thanksgiving for God’s continuous presence and favour.

  • Requests for the ability to recognise His hand in all aspects of our daily life.

  • Petitions for strength to trust in His timing, especially in difficult circumstances.


Heavenly Father, we thank You profoundly for the assurance that our lives are held in Your powerful hands. Help us to see Your favour in the minutiae of our days and the grand tapestries of our lives. Teach us to trust Your timing and to embrace the blessings You place along our path. May we always recognise Your handiwork and respond with gratitude and faith. In the precious name of Jesus, we pray, Amen.
